Specialization and Research Interests:
Philosophy of Law, Political Philosophy, Ethical Theory, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science, The History of Analytic Philosophy
Recent Publications:
- Fernando, Enrique Benjamin III R. “Against Reductionism as the Default Epistemological Position Towards Epistemological Belief.” Oxford Philosophy Society Annual Review 46. (Dec. 2024): pp. 17-18.
- Fernando, Enrique Benjamin III R. “Is Structural Realism the Best of Both Worlds?” Oxford Philosophy Society Annual Review 45 (Dec. 2023). pp. 120-121. (First Prize, Marianne Talbot Essay Competition Michaelmas Term 2022, Oxford Philosophy Society)
- Fernando, Enrique Benjamin III R. “Natural Law and the Naturalistic Fallacy.” Makiling Review: An International Journal of Humanities. Vol. 2, Iss. 1 (Oct. 2023). pp. 7-33.
- Fernando, Enrique Benjamin III R. “The Theist’s Legal Paradox: The Problem of Evil, Classical Natural Law Jurisprudence, and the Legal Validity of Immoral Law.” Philosophies of Appropriated Religions in Southeast Asia. Eds. Soraj Hongladarom, Jeremia Joven Joaquin, Frank J. Hoffman. Singapore: Springer, 2023. pp. 41-57.
- Fernando, Enrique Benjamin III R. “On Sovereignty Limiting Statements.” Philippine Social Sciences Review, Vol. 73, No.1 (2021). pp. 1-29.
- Fernando, Enrique Benjamin III R. “From Financial Inclusion to Financial Integration: The New Inequality in the Post-COVID 19 Philippine Digital Economy.” Shaping the Future of the Digital Economy: An Essay Anthology by Youths of Southeast Asia. Ed. Tech for Good Institute. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International (Asia) Pte Ltd. pp. 94-100.
Fernando, Enrique Benjamin III R. “Illusionism, Epiphenomenalism, and the Fallacy of Causal Overdetermination.” Oxford Philosophy Society Annual Review 44 (Nov. 2022). pp. 70-75.
Fernando, Enrique Benjamin III R. “Liberty, Equality, and the Wilt Chamberlain Argument.” Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy. Special Issue. (Oct. 2022). pp. 32-54.
Fernando, Enrique Benjamin III R. “Law as Collaboration.” Perspectives: University College Dublin (UCD) Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy Vol. 9 (Winter 2021). pp. 250-277.
Fernando, Enrique Benjamin III R. “The Concept of Legal Obligation in Plato’s Crito.” International Journal of Arts and Humanities. Vol. 5, No. 8 (Nov.-Dec. 2021). pp. 135-152.
Fernando, Enrique Benjamin III R. “The Concept of Law, Sixty Years On.” Kritike: An Online Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 15, No. 2 (Dec. 2021). pp. 68-95.
- Fernando, Enrique Benjamin III R. “Semantic, Interpretive, and Conceptual Theories of Law.” Suri: Journal of the Philosophical Association of the Philippines. Vol. 9, No. 2 (Oct. 2021). pp. 43-72.
- Fernando, Enrique Benjamin III R. “Morality, Law, and Practical Reason.” Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 22, No. 2 (Jun. 2021). pp. 186-204.
Fernando, Enrique Benjamin III R. “Feminist Jurisprudence and the Determinacy of Adjudication.” Suri: Journal of the Philosophical Association of the Philippines. Vol. 9, Iss. 1 (Apr. 2021). pp. 14-41.
Fernando, Enrique Benjamin III R. “Coherence in Science and Law.” Phavisminda Journal. Vol. 19 (2021). pp. 165-189.
Fernando, Enrique Benjamin III R. “Can Trees Have Standing?: An Argument Against Conferring Legal Rights Upon Natural Objects on the Basis of Guardianship.” Social Science Diliman. Vol. 16, No. 1 (Jun. 2020). pp. 28-49.
Fernando, Enrique Benjamin III R. “Biopiracy in the Philippines (Why a Sui Generis System Should Be Adopted in Philippine Law for the Protection of Traditional Knowledge): An Argument from Entitlement Theory and a Libertarian Conception of Justice.” Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy. Vol. 6, No. 1 (Apr. 2020). pp. 1-25.
Fernando, Enrique Benjamin III R. “Speech Acts and Social Habits.” Diliman Review. Vol. 62, No. 1 (2018). pp. 1-25.