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University of the Philippines Diliman | College of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Specialization and Research Interests:

Socio-Political Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, as well as Comparative/Japanese Philosophy, immigration, feminism

Recent Publications:





Brief Bio

𝐃𝐫. 𝐊𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧 π‚π¨π§π§π’πž π€π›πšπ₯𝐨𝐬-𝐎𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐒𝐧 finished her undergraduate degree in Philosophy from the University of the Philippines. Her undergraduate thesis topic is on Journalism Ethics as viewed in the Philippine setting. Afterwards, she immediately started teaching in her home university as an Instructor, where she served for seven years before she became a writer for a local entertainment channel. She then became a writer and editor for various websites and magazines.

In 2012, she received the Monbukagakusho Β or the Japanese Government Scholarship enabling her to finish her graduate and doctoral studies in Kobe University. Her thesis and dissertation focused on an analysis of cosmopolitan norms and the rights of migrant workers. In 2018, she returned to the University of the Philippines, Diliman where she teaches Socio-Political Philosophy, Applied Ethics, Comparative and Japanese Philosophy as well as Contemporary Philosophy.

She is an Associate Editor for several journals including: Social Science Diliman, Lumina, and Philippine Social Sciences Review. In 2021 & 2022 she was awarded the UP Diliman Centennial Faculty Grant and also a recipient of the ONE UP Professorial Chair Award in Applied Ethics for Outstanding Teaching and Public Service (2022-2024). From 2021-2023, she served as the Chair of the Department of Philosophy.