Specialization and Research Interests:
Ethics, Metaphysics, History of Ideas (Ancient and Medieval Philosophy), Philosophical Analysis, Philosophical Anthropology with emphasis in Thomas Aquinas
Recent Publications:
The Dignity of the Thinking Person A Philosophical Reflection on Human Nature UST Publishing House 2006 ISBN 978-971-5060382-1
Human Dignity, Community, and Nation Building: A Thomistic Approach in Philosophical Papers: Selected Papers Delivered at PAP Conferences Volume II Engaging Philosophical Traditions: Filipino Perspectives on Certain Philosophical Topics 2007, Philosophical Association of the Philippines
Quaerens, Searchings, Paghahanap: Filipino Essays in Medieval Studies Editors: Jovino G. Miroy and Ma. Liza Ruth A. Ocampo UST Publishing House 2008 ISBN 978-971-506-453-8
Break Open a Stone: An Invitation to Metaphysics Light House and Dynamite Publications, Manila 2011, ISBN 978-971-93631-6-3
LUMINA PANDIT: A CONTINUUM (Essay Contributor) “On the Dominican Intellectual Tradition: The Quadricentennial Celebration of the First University in the Philippines – 400 Years of Unending Grace” (pp.283-310) UST Miguel de Benavides Library and Union Bank of the Philippines 2015. ISBN 978-971-506-752-2
Ethics Primer: A Young Person’s Guide to Moral Reasoning ISBN 978-971-07-4233-2 Copyright 2018 by Vibal Group, Inc. and Ma. Liza Ruth A. Ocampo, PhD