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University of the Philippines Diliman | College of Social Sciences and Philosophy
  • Author: Ma. Theresa Payongayong, PhD
  • Year: 2020
  • Type: Peer-Reviewed Journal Article


Payongayong, Ma. Theresa. (2020) “Reflexive-Liberative Filipino Feminist Ethics.” Kritike. Vol. 14, No. 1. (Jun.) pp. 64-97.


Filipino feminists have been known to give value to familial relationships, cultural heritage, and religion that are largely influenced by patriarchy. How one aspect (women’s emancipation and fight against patriarchal culture) affects the other (women’s valuation of family, culture, and religion) in one line of struggle is an important topic to explore, since varied experiences show how some feminists struggle with application of feminist principles to their everyday lives and to women’s movement at the same time.Some have had difficulties resolving conflicts between their feminism and social expectations. Others have made equally difficult choices in pursuing and maintaining their intimate relationships. To understand how they deal with these struggles amidst active participation in the women’s movement, this paper looks into the emerging feminist ethics among Filipino feminists. The findings identify ethical issues in Filipino feminists’ lives and how they address these issues. A reflexive– liberative feminist ethics emerge from the findings. This type of feminist ethics emphasizes choice, and when applied to the women’s movement, could lead to a more caring and just society.

Key Words:

feminism, ethics, reflexive, liberative
