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University of the Philippines Diliman | College of Social Sciences and Philosophy
  • Author: Karen Connie Abalos-Orendain, PhD
  • Year: 2022
  • Type: Peer-Reviewed Journal Article


K.C. Abalos-Orendain. 2022. ““Layered Frameworks: Thoughts on Japanese-ness and the Cosmopolitanism of Haruki Murakami”.” In Statu Nascendi: Journal of Political Philosophy and International Relations (Special Issue: The Work of Haruki Murakami), 5, 1, Pp. 194-202.


This work joins the discourse on whether or not Murakami is a “pure” Japanese writer. However, it attempts to analyze the problem using a philosophical lens instead of a literary one. Using the concept of basso ostinato as articulated by Maruyama Masao and further emphasized by the thoughts of Kato Shuichi, this article attempts to pose a new way of looking at this question.
